Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 332
Collection on J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis
This collection consists of one photograph, two printed blog articles, two tobacco tins, and a letter from the donor providing context for the items as they relate to J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.
Collins, Davidson, Farrington, and Angier Photographs
This collection is comprised of three photographs of Sam Houston Normal Institute alumni Vinson A. Collins, Oscar L. Davidson, Claude B. Farrington, and Eugene L. Angier posing outdoors as a group. The photos are dated approximately to the 1940s, with the exact date and year they were taken unknown.
Commencement Box Virtual Ceremony
This collection is composed of Sam Houston State University Commencement materials from the Virtual Ceremony during the Coronavirus-19 Pandemic.
Confederate State Second Congress Minutes Collection
This collection newspaper clippings containing the minutes for the first session of the Second Congress of Confederate States.
Confederate War Bond Collection
This collection contains a war bond issued by the Confederate States of America in the amount of one-hundred dollars. The bond was signed in Richmond, Virginia by Register of the Treasury, Robert Tyler. This collection also contains interest coupons and multiple values of currency issued by the Confederate States of America.
Congressional Memorial Address Collection
The Congressional Memorial Address Collection contains bound programs and transcripts of memorial services given to the United States Senate and House of Representatives in honor of deceased political figures.
Country Campus Journals
This collection contains 26 issues of the Country Campus Journal, a newspaper from Country Campus, Texas, covering local news relating to Country Campus, Huntsville, Walker County, and Sam Houston State Teachers College.
Craig Seeman Collection
The majority of this collection contains materials from the Sam Houston State University KSHU Radio Station. Other materials include a Sam Houston State College Homecoming football program, Delta Zeta photocopied articles, an Alpha Phi Sigma certificate, paper materials from Sam Houston State University (event tickets and the College of Arts and Media magazine), and materials about the City of Huntsville.
Criminal Docket and Case Materials
The Criminal Docket and Case Materials collection is comprised of photocopies of materials from Travis County records. Some materials are of unknown origin.