Showing Collections: 221 - 230 of 357
Powell Family Papers
President John F. Kennedy Assassination Ephemera Collection
The collection is primarily composed of Newspapers and Magazines relating to President John. F.Kennedy’s assassination. There are some publications that focus on Jacqueline Kennedy, Kennedy children and family, and Lee Harvey Oswald.
Presidential Speech Collection
The Presidential Speech Collection is comprised of several speeches given to the United States Congress, House of Representatives, and other governmental agencies by early United States Presidents (JamesMadison, James Monroe, John Adams, James K. Polk, John Quincy Adams, and James Buchanan).
President's Honor Roll and Dean's List of Academic Honors
This collection is composed of sixty-seven booklets listing students who received the President's Honor Roll and Dean's List of Academic Honors from Spring 1965 to Spring 2006.
Item titles with the semester provide both the President's Honor Roll and Dean's List of Academic Honors, while the tiles with Dean List's of Academic Honors provide only this listing.
Presidents' Reports to Board of Regents
This collection is composed of thirty-five letter-sized boxes of reports to the Board of Regents written by Sam Houston State Teachers/Sam Houston State College/Sam Houston State University Presidents from 1934 to 1993.
Presidents with written reports in this collection are Harry F. Estill, Charles Norton Shaver, Harmon L. Lowman, Arleigh B. Templeton, Elliott T. Bowers, and Martin J. Anisman.
Ralph W. Stenzel Jr. Lowman Rifles Drill Team Collection
The materials in this collection are made up of "The Lowman Rifles Drill Team of Sam Houston State University" historical book, decals, insignia patchs, a coat of arms insignia photoengraving plate, and a commemorative photoengraver.
Retired Army Bulletin Collection
This collection contains pamphlets, titled “Retired Army Personnel Bulletin”, which was later shortened to “Retired Army Bulletin”. Pamphlets were published and circulated by the United States Department of the Army.
Richard "Ricardo" Ross Drawings Collection
The collection is made up of one signed copy of artist, Richard Bryan "Ricardo" Ross, drawing titled, State of Texas Capitol. The drawing was given to James Patton and donated to Special Collections by Cheryl Spencer.
Robert A. Gammage Collection
Robert A. Lovett Collection
The collection is composed of correspondence, a photograph, newspaper articles, and other documents related to Robert A. Lovett.